Monday, July 30, 2012

A Tour Of The 2012 Vermont Cheese Festival

The Vermont Cheese Makers Annual Festival is always on my summer calendar. Prince Charming and I slowly walk the big festival tasting and buying wonderful cheeses from the area. This is also a
fun time for us to catch up with friends we have not seen in awhile. All this and more, at the beautiful and stunning Shelburne Farms.

I stopped by to visit with my friend Grace Meyer from Vermont Fresh Network

I was happy to catch up with Ellen Fox, manager of cheese and catalog at Shelburne Farms.

Always fun to visit with my good friend Calley Hastings from Fat Toad Farm. They were previewing a new caramel flavor called Salted Bourbon. It was delicious!

We adore the cheeses from Sage Farm Goat Dairy.
More cheese from Sage Farm Goat Dairy. 
Marsh Hollow makes wonderful handmade soy candles that I always have at home. Recently he spent time in Ireland and was inspired to make jams. Some realty unique flavors that I have fallen for such as carrot jam with hints of cinnamon. Find his product lines at Five Corners Farmers Market.

Twig Farm
Old Goat on the scale waiting to come home with us. This cheese is nutty and rich, you can taste the pasture
 the goats roam!
Prince Charming's favorite was the new, unreleased Jasper Hill Farm Alpine style cheese.

Consider Bardwell Farm is another favorite of ours. 

What a fun surprise to see Eilis Maynard (left), web editor for Culture Magazine, along with Susanna Kellogg (right),
Here I am with my good friend John Wright, owner of Taylor Farm. He makes the best Gouda one can buy!

1 comment:

  1. I love taking home some of our wonderful Vermont cheeses when i do my weekly shopping at Sweet Clover, and coming from a French citizen ,that does mean a lot!!
