A warm sunny day in July on Mallets Bay, Vermont, a group of us planned a Lobster Bake. We started our day early gathering wood, collecting rocks, and digging a hole in the sand. A big thanks to Mark and Dave, who carried the heavy rocks that lined the bottom and sides of our lobster pit. Meanwhile our guests were at home preparing foods to bring to the party. In between laughs on the beach building our lobster pit I was baking a huge lemon, blueberry, &

raspberry flag cake. Then, off to pick up Kenny, who flew in from Ireland and the lucky lobsters!

Guests started to arrive and enjoyed Kenny's famous (strong!) white summer peach sangria along with chipotle guacamole from my kitchen. Cooking the lobsters in a pit requires a raging bond fire for three plus hours to properly heat up the rocks. While we fed the fire some guests floated in rafts, played Frisbee, and hung out on the beach. The time came to clear out the wood, add Maine choke weed, lobsters, potatoes and corn all in layers. We covered the pit with a wet tarp and hoped for the best. In the end the lobster Bake was super tasty and you just had to be there! :)

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