Monday morning (10/12/14) at 8:10am I will be live on WVMT-620am. Stream live or tune in as we talk 2014 trends and the latest food news. Below are some fun topics we may touch on.
A Healthier Caramel Apple
Drink This Now
She's A National Food Star and She's Coming To Vermont!
No Such Thing As Comfort Food?
Having A Halloween Party? Serve These
How To Cook A Steak
Ebola Threatens Chocolate
Waiter! There's An iPhone In My Soup
Food Inspired Nail Art?
And The Award For Best Drinking City Goes To?
Are These Food Icons Real or Not
Up Coming Cooking Classes:
Thanksgiving Intensive 10/25
Party with Rene Erickson 10/27
Meet Rene Erickson on Monday 10/27/14